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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Hall

Tips for navigating change fatigue

Most of us are no strangers to the waves of change—from adapting to new processes to responding to new shifts in leadership, sometimes it can feel like we’re only just keeping our heads above water.

But have you ever felt like you've been hit with a tidal wave of change? Like you can’t quite keep afloat? That's where change fatigue creeps in, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

Fear not! Let's dive into what change fatigue is all about and explore some tips to keep it at bay.

Understanding change fatigue

Change fatigue is that feeling of being worn out by continuous waves of organisational change. It's like swimming across an ocean without a break – exhausting! When change initiatives pile up, it can take a toll on morale, productivity, and even employee well-being.

But don't worry, there are ways to help your people navigate these sometimes unpredictable waters.

Strategies for avoiding change fatigue

1. Reduce the number of organisational change initiatives: Quality over quantity, right? Instead of bombarding your team with countless changes, focus on initiatives that truly move the needle. Prioritise and streamline your change efforts to ensure they align with strategic objectives and have meaningful impact.

2. Make change happen on a smaller scale: Break it down, folks! Big changes can feel daunting, so why not tackle them in bite-sized chunks? By breaking down larger initiatives into smaller, manageable tasks, you can minimise overwhelm and build momentum for success.

3. Develop staff resilience and resourcefulness: Equip your team with the tools they need to get through the transition. Foster a culture of resilience by providing training, support, and resources to help employees adapt to change more effectively. Encourage a growth mindset where challenges are viewed as opportunities for learning and development.

Communicators can help reduce change fatigue too

As communicators, we're the glue that holds it all together! We can lend a hand by:

  • Communicating clear priorities and expectations

  • Keeping lines of discussion open

  • Listening and empathising

  • Sharing training, resource and growth opportunities

  • Celebrating success stories.

Just as the tides ebb and flow, so do our experiences of change. By taking a proactive approach to change management and communication, and fostering a culture of resilience, we can help our teams head towards new horizons and brighter shores.

Have you got a tip for navigating change fatigue? If so, share it below!

About Victoria Hall

Victoria believes that great communication has the power to change the world. She's passionate about helping organisations to lift their profiles, inspire action and achieve remarkable results by crafting and delivering their stories and messages in a clear, compelling and persuasive way. If you've got a question about communications, you can contact Victoria here or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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