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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Hall

How to create and cultivate a compelling brand purpose

In my latest blog, I share three ways you can create and cultivate a compelling brand purpose. Read on to find out more.

Your brand purpose is an important part of managing your brand. It allows you to inform, persuade, enlighten, teach, remind, and enrich stakeholder knowledge about your strengths, values and offerings.

Here are three ways you can create and cultivate a compelling brand purpose:

Think about your company culture

It doesn't matter what promises you make to customers. If your brand doesn't walk the talk, your reputation won't stand up in the market. To give your brand purpose legitimacy, make sure you take time to audit your systems, processes and culture. Ask yourself the tough questions like, do we really put our customers at the heart of our decisions? Do we really treat our staff fairly? Do we really operate in a way that respects the environment? Build a culture that truly reflects your brand purpose and you'll never be short of loyal staff or customers.

Have an inspiring brand purpose that staff can relate to

Your organisation should have an inspiring brand purpose that encourages customers to choose your company over other--sometimes cheaper--options. A clear purpose helps your customers to stay loyal to you because it articulates a physical, emotional or intellectual value that resonates with them. But, having an inspiring purpose is only half the job--you also need to bring that vision to life. How? By embedding it at every level of your organisation. This means providing teams and individuals with a line of sight between their roles and the company mission. You can achieve this through internal communication campaigns and storytelling, aligning team and individual goals with the purpose, and strategic reward and recognition programs. Remember, staff want to connect to the bigger picture, so help them to understand how their contributions serve the greater good.

Tailor and test your messaging

Your brand's purpose should resonate with your target audience and build favourability, trust and goodwill. When developing a messaging strategy, it's important to consider cultural context and current public opinions from the outset. So, before you make any public statements, test the sentiment of your potential keywords in a focus group to make sure you're not using any language that could be easily misinterpreted.

By thinking about your company culture, having an inspiring purpose that staff can relate to, and tailoring and testing your messaging, you'll be well on your way to building and sustaining a compelling brand purpose.

Got a tip you'd like to share on how to create and cultivate a compelling brand purpose? Please leave it in the comment box below!

About Victoria

Victoria believes that great communication has the power to change the world. She's passionate about helping organisations to lift their profiles, inspire action and achieve remarkable results by crafting and delivering their stories and messages in a clear, compelling and persuasive way. If you've got a question about how to produce high-quality communication plans or content, you can contact Victoria here or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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