Without persuasion customers won’t buy, investors won’t capitalise, and employees won’t engage. That’s why, like a great cuppa, you need the right blend of swaying elements to convince any audience. We share three simple ways you can master persuasion.
Persuasion brews success. At every business stage, swaying an audience plays a vital role. We persuade customers about what makes our product or service the best, convince investors how we’ll generate a return, and help employees understand why we need a new mindset or process.
Observe the most successful companies’ leaders, and you’ll know they’ve mastered the secret to harnessing persuasive powers. Like a good cup of tea, the elements are simple but with the right blend—the effects are lasting.
If you're dreaming of winning over your audience as top leaders do, drink in these three simple steps to powerful persuasion:
You need to be right
Nothing kills persuasion more than faulty logic. You’d never serve a chamomile tea to someone who wants to stay alert. Before revealing your ground-breaking idea, check both your audience’s needs and your facts.
Being on point and accurate is essential if you’re presenting to experts and senior business leaders. They respond well to facts and figures that add up. Win them over by backing up your claims with accurate data, solid reasoning and convincing conclusions.
You need to be balanced
We all hate burning our tongue on a cuppa that’s too hot. Likewise, you need to be patient and balanced. Don't force your audience to agree. Let them sip when they’re good and ready. Appeal to intuition by presenting both sides of an argument. Address as many of their objections as you can, but allow your listeners to make up their own minds. In return, you’ll gain credibility by acknowledging counterarguments instead of avoiding them. You need to be bold
What makes chai irresistible? There’s nothing timid about that cuppa. It draws you in the same way enthusiasm does. So, share your passion and forge a genuine human connection with your listeners.
Take a stand for your message too. Stop using words that make you sound unsure. Instead of “it might” say “it will”. Your audience will only believe you if they feel your conviction.
Strain out your old habits and take your fill of these three new ones. Get your facts right, balance how you deliver arguments and make an emotional connection to be the master of persuasion.
About Victoria
Victoria believes that great communication has the power to change the world. She's passionate about helping organisations to lift their profiles, inspire action and achieve remarkable results by crafting and delivering their stories and messages in a clear, compelling and persuasive way. If you've got a question about how to produce high-quality communication plans or content, you can contact Victoria here or connect with her on LinkedIn.